Thank you for stepping into the World of Diamond Christ Alignment where you will experience Resurrection Power and Joy. I am very excited that you have landed here. Trusting the part of you that got you here is the surest way to receive the gifts that await you.
I am Jacqueline Joy, creator and founder of Diamond Christ Alignment ... a Sacred Technology that offers you an exquisite online oasis - your own personal Haven - to Relax, Re-center, Recharge, Replenish and Regenerate by Vibrationally Aligning & Connecting with the Divine ... in only 6 minutes.
In 1984, after walking in the steps of Jesus in Israel I received, in the silence of my Soul, the Divine Plan for bringing forth Diamond Christ Alignment, a Sacred Technology. This Plan germinated in the depths of my unconscious for several years until the Call came to Awaken and fulfill my Soul's Purpose.
My Soul's Call to Awaken came in 1987 in the form of a two-minute fall - a total lapse in consciousness that came from out of the blue - that ultimately shook my highly successful world to its core. My externally driven horizontal life had caused me to lose inner balance and alignment with my Soul, without consciously being aware of it. My life-changing fall was actually my Soul's Call to Awaken, move beyond the horizontal 3D trance and bring forth Diamond Alignment to help others to do the same.
Full Story
Our fast-paced demanding lives prevent us from finding the time to consciously connect and align with Divine Power and Receive the Divine Intervention we need in the Great Transition we are in on Earth. Diamond Christ Alignment offers an unprecedented service that answers this great need ... a tool for Spiritual Alignment that is both convenient and profound.
Diamond Christ Alignment is NOT a religion, spiritual practice, meditation, dogma or self-help course, and it requires no effort, background or belief. It IS a Divine Energy Technology that Activates Vibrational Alignment with Divine Power and expands our capacity to Receive the Divine Intervention being called for.
Diamond Christ Alignment is a Sacred Technology for Higher Consciousness that delivers the same high-frequency Energy Transmission that I received from the Divine over a period of more than 17 years. I created the 6-minute multi-sensory Diamond Christ Alignment Activation so that you could access this high-frequency Energy via the Internet wherever you are. This Energy Transmission activates Joy, Clarity, Inner Peace, Balance, Freedom and Fun when you are open to receive it. It releases lower vibration feelings such as confusion, doubt, depression, anxiety, fear, worry and more. The 6-minute Experience makes you feel energized, lighter, alive, vibrant and free. Studies have shown that high-frequency vibration in the body is directly linked to greater health and well-being.
Diamond Christ Alignment is an intimate and wordless phenomenon that cannot be explained. It can only be experienced and known by its effect.
2-minute Preview
It is the Divine Intervention that I "Called" for during my life-changing personal crisis. This Transmission of Divine Energy is subtle, yet profound and transcendent - connecting and aligning us with the place deep inside - where our indestructible, brilliant "Diamond" CORE resides. This CORE is fearless and tremendously courageous, knows no enemies and is what I call "The Diamond Within".
Without the need of spiritual training, long dedicated meditations, or religious association, Diamond Christ Alignment is a universal Tool that connects and aligns ALL with the Inner Joy and Equanimity of the Divine Power Within. The positive effects of Diamond Christ Alignment are consistent and universal ... no matter what your age, race, creed or culture.
The only thing that is needed to receive the blessing of this online spiritual phenomenon is your "YES".
My Story - Why Did I Create Diamond Christ Alignment?
When I was 38 years old, I was the model of the woman who had everything: 4 beautiful children, a long-term marriage, a multi-million dollar business, a large social network and prominence as a leader in my church and community. I was health conscious and ran 5 miles a day. I was a picture of beauty, intelligence and health with nothing but success under my belt. I thought I was invincible as I had mastered the "good life" modeled by my family and held up by society.
One night in January 1987, my "perfect" life was dismantled in a 2-minute "fall" on the kitchen floor in front of my family; a total lapse in consciousness that came without warning. I had no previous symptoms to indicate that there was anything wrong. In the wake of my sudden collapse, anytime I tried to continue my "superwoman" persona, I would experience severe anxiety attacks.
After that, my life began to unravel and horrify everyone around me. My husband was not happy with the fact that the support he was accustomed to had suddenly disappeared. Divorce eventually followed. Friends disappeared. The social structure that had once held me high, ended.
All the prayers in my heart, the therapy I had started, and all the inspirational talks from my church's pulpit could not relieve my pain or stop the devastating loss of everything I had spent my whole life achieving. Unable to control my world or conquer my grief ... fear and depression finally forced me to seek medical help. Instead of anti-depressants, my doctor prescribed daily "alone time" to "look within" to manage my anxiety. As one who was addicted to perfection and so externally-focused, I had no idea what "look within" meant and had never entertained the idea of "alone time."
I began hikes into the hills behind my home, which became my daily journey for survival over the next 9 years of my life. Each day I brought my fear and pain to the forest and called for Divine Intervention to heal me and my children, and to guide me through the unraveling of my life.
Each day my "Call" was answered with spiritual alignments that released my pain, regenerated me and filled me with Inner Joy, Hope and an Expanded Perspective that allowed me to navigate through the hellish struggle of my life in a more empowered way. These energy alignments were miraculous to me, as I did nothing to make them happen. For the first time in my life, I was humble and open to receive help - a total contradiction for the superwoman persona that was identified with doing everything myself.
I "Called" on the Divine each day and surrendered to receive the energy that brought me into Alignment with my Soul and the Divine Power of Heaven on Earth. While these daily infusions of Divine Energy allowed me to experience the Magic of this Alignment, I was unable to maintain this aligned state in the fire of my life. My fervent desire was to abide in the Joy and Freedom of this expanded state, not just experience it for 45 minutes a day in my forest.
So, again I insistently called on the Divine, and over many years I was answered ... and received a Divinely-Inspired Tool, which I now call "Diamond Christ Alignment". This Sacred Tool activated the same magical Divine Energy Alignments I experienced in the forest ... anytime, anywhere. Using this Tool, I was able to transform my life from pain, sorrow and suffering to Joy, Equanimity and Freedom.
Over the next 17 years, in partnership with my Diamond Team, I developed Diamond Christ Alignment into a Sacred Technology, which now offers individuals across the world the same Spiritual Alignment I received and is available through a 6-minute multi-sensory online phenomenon and other Diamond services.
I look forward to "seeing" you in the Diamond Energy Field —
Jacqueline Joy
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