For the first time in my life I not only called to the Heavens for help, but also to the Mother Earth. With my physical foundation shaken, I needed the Energy of the Earth to support me, to give me physical grounding and a new foundation.
My pain opened me to the suffering of the collective and my daily Call for Divine help and relief ultimately became a larger Call...not only for myself, but a Call for my family and the world at large.

MORE ...

For the first time in my life I not only called to the Heavens for help, but also to the Mother Earth. With my physical foundation shaken, I needed the energy of the Earth to support me, to give me physical grounding and a new foundation. My pain opened me to the suffering of the collective and my daily Call for Divine help and relief ultimately became a larger Call...not only for myself, but a Call for my family and the world at large.

The expanded story...

After Calling to the Heavens for Divine help, I turned my attention to the fallen Oak Tree under my feet and called out to the Great Mother Earth for physical help. I instinctively knew that Nature could help me with the pain, absorb it and transmute it...that I didn't have to bear this pain alone. Nature is a perfect model of what we are but often forget... physical vessels through which Divine Energy flows. Lying down upon the Oak Tree and aligning my spine with its trunk, I received the Divine Energy that was flowing through it. My Connection with the Power of this Flow freed me from all pain and regenerated me.

This Connection put me in sync with the energetic heartbeat of Mother Earth and gave me the same feeling of safety as that of a baby within its mother's womb. This anchoring and grounding of my physical body in Nature allowed me to receive the high-frequency invisible (yet physical) Cosmic Energy safely and comfortably. The Divine Energies of Heaven and Earth ultimately brought me back into Alignment with my Soul and its Divine Blueprint for my life.

The Sacred Technology of Diamond Christ Alignment brings in the Flow of Divine Energy from the Heavens and the Earth, safely and comfortably right where we are. The peace and "good feeling" that we experience when we are in Nature can be experienced anytime and anywhere. This Cosmic Energy flows freely through our physical Earth bodies and fuels us to create true Wealth of Being in our lives with greater Ease and Grace.

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