Advanced laser power of the Diamond Technology for a Diamond Breakthrough! (2) One-hour Diamond Mastery Transmissions, over a 48-hour period. Jacqueline Joy, uses the Diamond Technology's highest laser application to transmute constricting energy blockages that have been suppressing the Embodiment and Expression of your Golden Child's I AM Presence... in whatever area of your body/life that you choose. As your "Diamond Doula", Jacqueline Joy joins up vibrationally with your chosen focus, to assist you in BIRTHING a new vibrational energy configuration in your cells ... from which you can EXPRESS your Soul's true vibration and Its Divine Diamond Blueprint.
Your human ego will expand to a new job of serving your "I AM" Presence. Receiving the Diamond Mastery Transmissions from Jacqueline Joy's highly-refined embodiment of Diamond Consciousness and Joy aligns the lower human ego and promotes it into empowered service to your Diamond "I AM" Presence, establishing a new paradigm of ecstatic Divine Union at the cellular level, in the arena of life/body that you have chosen.
You will receive a new Foundation of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy in your physical cells Your newly-birthed energy configuration will be filled with the vibrations and qualities of Diamond Christ Aloha Conscious, giving you a new Foundation, from which to EMBODY and EXPRESS your "I AM" Presence and Its Blueprint in this physical world ... with elegance, grace and JOY!
What Diamond Mastery Transmission Receivers are saying:
After the Diamond Mastery Transmissions, I am very focused on the inside of myself. I am recognizing with inner-focus how powerful I truly am. I love it. I have been trained and been through a lot of personal and spiritual development, energy work, studied various disciplines of psychology at the higher academic level, trained in higher self therapy, etc... I am so amazed with the Diamond Christ Alignment Technology... I have never experienced anything that has helped me to feel so authentic in such a short amount of time.
- Christine, USA
Wow, Jacqueline, this has been a thrilling Diamond Mastery event for me. These sessions with you are so powerful and wow can I feel the energy and movement. I just keep changing all day long. Because I do energy and healing work, it is amazing to me to experience the movement inside and outside of me. I literally just shed energy (feelings, thoughts, beliefs) and just change - just like that!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
- Sharon Stallman, USA
I am finding after yesterday's Diamond Mastery Activation that I am feeling a lot lighter. I feel an open space inside of myself expanding just for me. I am seeing my world with much more pristine eyes of clarity. What appeared not so long ago as difficult or large is now becoming exceptionally manageable and exciting. I have an inner playful desire to complete what is in front of me. I am so honored to have the challenges that I have to help me to grow and evolve while helping others around me. I am very excited to expand into the woman I really AM. I feel more loving and far more in touch with me on the inside. I AM more than I ever knew. I AM better than I have known. I feel much more in charge of me and connected to the DIVINE presence that lives in me. With the pure connection to DIVINE SOURCE I am open to receive more and AM feeding off the LOVE. I AM grateful. I have COURAGE. I have BELIEF. With this Courageous Loving Belief - I AM. In loving gratitude,
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