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Fear is a major thing that students, parents and staff are dealing with in Schools (preschool through college), in this volatile time of transition we are in on the Planet ... fear of shootings/violence, fear of being themselves, fear of being bullied and the effect of bullying in the atmosphere, fear of no one being "home" - awake and aware to protect them, fear of not having a Planet in the near future, fear of not getting in the right schools (even at Pre-school level), fear of drugs and the effect of drugs in the atmosphere.
The Diamond Installation is the fastest, surest solution to neutralize this fear... with a vibrational field of Connection & Vibrational Alignment with Divine Power that supersedes this fear and provides "S" Safety!
This Coherent Field of Diamond Christ Awareness nurtures the Soul, with courage, knowing and respect of who they are ... and fosters "street smarts" that will keep them awake in this world. All who attend and/or work in the school will be fortified to deal with the ceaseless fear that is being broadcasted all around them everyday

The Diamond Installation for School & Property is an extremely advanced Transmission, in which Jacqueline Joy works alone in the Multidimensional Diamond Christ Energy Field to install the Diamond Chamber - microscopically and macroscopically - in every atom and molecule of your chosen school and property ... aligning the school with the Divine Power, Love and Intelligence of the Creator.
This laser-level Diamond Christ Transmission includes a dynamic, deep energetic clearing at all levels/dimensions ... and an infusion of the high frequencies of Diamond Joy, Clarity, Safety, Awareness and Equanimity in your chosen school and property, creating an exquisite Diamond Haven that holds students and staff vibrationally in the Unified Field of Diamond Christ Consciousness.
- INSTALLS the high-frequency Diamond Infrastructure into every square inch of your chosen school and environment - under, over, around, and throughout.
- METICULOUSLY CLEARS at ALL levels and on all planes, all density, toxicity, interference, fear and low vibration energies in and around the school, which can occur at many different levels - on many planes.
- DIAMONDIZES your chosen school and property by infusing every atom and molecule with the Divine Power and Infinite Possibility of Diamond Christ Consciousness.
- CLEARS limiting vibrational patterns from the past that are literally stored in the "walls and wiring" of the school.
- EXPONENTIALLY RAISES the energy vibration surrounding the school, energetically charging the space, inside and out, with a very high-frequency Diamond Christ Energy Field.
- SERVES as a "Multidimensional Shield" of Protection that emanates high-vibration Diamond qualities of Diamond Joy, Equanimity, Clarity, Safety, Awareness, Ease and Well Being into the school and out to the boundaries of the property and beyond.
- UPLIFTS the energetic quality of the chosen school and property, positively affecting all the Beings who attend and work in the space, as well as in the surrounding area beyond the property line.

- POWERFULLY CONNECTS and Aligns the school with Diamond Christ Consciousness
- Meticulously and microscopically CLEARS OUT and CLEANS OUT congealed energies, thought forms, impressions, overlays, etc. from ALL who have attended or worked in the school, up until this Installation
- ANCHORS and grounds this new Diamond Haven in the Core of the New Earth
- PROVIDES a Haven of Nurturance for the body, mind and Spirit of all who attend and work in the school (and visit it)
- CONTRIBUTES a high-frequency Diamond Christ Emanation that enhances the school's community/town/city and the Planet
- CHARGES the school with pristine high-frequency Diamond Energy - positively affecting everything and everyone in the environment
- CREATES a Sparkling, Equanimous, Magical Experience for all who enter the school
- EXPANDS the school with Diamond Light, Expansion, and Spaciousness
- ESTABLISHES a safe haven that allows all to feel vibrationally held and safe in the Energy Field of Divine Power and Love ... no matter what is happening around them
The New Diamond Christ School Installation will be connected to the Worldwide Diamond Energy Grid and receive a flow of Diamond Energy for 30 days to support the integration of this Multidimensional Installation into the school and property.
HOW IT WORKS Full Payment Plan
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