Full Payment Plan
Price: $300
Add to Cart 2-Payment Plan
Price: $150/month
Add to Cart 3-Payment Plan
Price: $100/month
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With the Diamond Chamber installed in the physical cells of your pet, the higher frequencies flooding the Planet are grounded, integrated and experienced in their body/mind, gracefully, powerfully and safely.
- INSTALLS the Sacred Diamond Chamber's high-frequency Infrastructure in their physical cells and around their Energy Field
- STABILIZES their Alignment with true Diamond Power: the Divine Power of Heaven and Earth
- ACTIVATES connection with their Higher Diamond Consciousness
- BRINGS in the New Diamond Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
- ESTABLISHES a "Multidimensional Shield" of Diamond Protection around them
- OPENS their Attunement to clearly receive their Intuitive Inner Guidance
- RAISES their vibration with Diamond Joy, Equanimity, Clarity, Harmony, Grace, Ease & much more
- PROVIDES a Safe, Nurturing, Pristine Haven — a "Vibrational Home" around them
- GROUNDS their body ... amplifying their Presence in the Physical World
- ANCHORS them in the Core of the New Earth: The Creative Fire of God
- BRINGS them into resonance with the NEW Earth's Heartbeat
- ACTIVATES their Highest Potential: The original design of the Creator
- SYNCHRONIZES their energy with your energy when you have your own Personal Diamond Installation and with their environment when there is a Diamond Home & Property Installation
- EXPANDS their cells to receive Divine Intervention in their life — at times of sickness, injury, trauma
- STRENGTHENS their cells to anchor Diamond Energy on the Planet for ALL
- EQUIPS them to be powerful Emanators of Diamond Consciousness and Joy — in Service to the Planet
- INFUSES Diamond Life, Light, Expansion, Spaciousness and Equanimity in their cells
- OPENS their Multidimensional receptors to Receive and Integrate the extremely high Diamond Frequencies
- ENABLES them to enjoy greater vitality, aliveness, radiance in their cells ... with greater fluidly and grace
- CALMS, CENTERS and STABILIZES them in the "vibrational storms" of the massive shift we are in on Earth at this time
- HELPS them maintain the Integrity of their own unified Diamond Energy Field, no matter what the world is doing around them
- ALLOWS them to Experience increased FLOW of Diamond Joy and Equanimity through their body/mind ... and SHINE in this world!
Price: $300
Add to Cart 2-Payment Plan
Price: $150/month
Add to Cart 3-Payment Plan
Price: $100/month
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