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One Diamond Installation per Office/WorkSpace
- Installs the NEW high-frequency Diamond Infrastructure of Financial Freedom & Flow in your Office/Workspace
- Connects and Aligns your Office/Workspace with the Infinite Flow of the Universal Power of Heaven & Earth
- Anchors your Office/Workspace in the MA
- Infuses every molecule and atom in your Office/Workspace with the Vibrational Power of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy
- Releases the old vibrational infrastructure of the 3D Financial trance from your Office/Workspace
- Raises the energy vibration of your Office/Workspace to the Crystalline Clarity and Beauty of the Diamond
- Brings in Diamond Light, Expansion, Spaciousness and Peace
- "Charges" the area around your Office/Workspace with high-frequency Diamond Energy, from the emanation of your new Installation of Financial Freedom & Flow
- Serves as a "Multidimensional Shield" of Protection that supports your new Personal Cellular Installation of Financial Freedom & Flow (coming in January 2015).
- Positively affects you and all the Beings who work in the space with you.
Note: The Diamond Installation is a non-physical, high-frequency vibrational infrastructure. It is not a physical device or app that you download. Rather, it is be received vibrationally by following the Receiving instructions, included with your purchase.

- Gives you a strong "trance free" environment to work in
- Supports your body/mind to stay free of the "trance" quicksand of lack and struggle, regarding financial flow
- Clears confusion, fatigue, overwhelm, fogginess in the space (yours and anyone's who has been in the space before you)
- Supports Fun and Balance in your work
- Allows you to operate in Diamond Efficiency, Effectiveness and Ease
- Expands your awareness of the work you are doing in the space
- Activates Diamond Clarity in your Communications
- Transforms your Office/Workspace into a Diamond Receiving and Emanating Station for Financial Freedom and Flow
- Harmonizes meetings, presentations, etc., that are held in your Office/Workpace
- Eliminates tension in your Office/Workspace
- Reduces loss of time and productivity
- Enhances your peace and well being as you work
- Creates a vibrational "attractor field" for the highest good of your business and financial flow
- Releases that which is not for the highest good of your business and financial flow
- Harmonizes the electromagnetic field of your Office/Workspace - bringing it into sync with the electromagnetic pulse (heart beat) of the Earth — creating a soothing and calming atmosphere
- Closes low-vibrational "doorways" that previously allowed vibrational interference
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One Diamond Installation per Office/WorkSpace