Once the Diamond Energy infrastructure was firmly established, the Flow of Diamond Energy was now available for global distribution.
The task was then to create physical, multi-sensory vehicles for individuals to access the invisible Diamond Energy in a simple and cost effective way.

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Once the Diamond Energy infrastructure was firmly established, the Flow of Diamond Energy was now available for global distribution. The task was then to create physical, multi-sensory vehicles for individuals to access the invisible Diamond Energy in a simple and cost effective way.

The expanded story...

In 2001, I received the information from Higher Heart Intelligence that the Diamond Energy grid was firmly established and I was shown the larger Vision of the Technology: offering Diamond Energy Transmissions for personal and planetary healing. I then began the challenging task of articulating this "wordless" phenomenon that I had been living in the Sacredness of my own Heart. It was my Soul's Purpose to bring this Divine Gift into physical form so that it could be offered to others worldwide. My commitment to the Diamond Vision over many years has kept me doggedly on my Soul's path to create physical vehicles through which the invisible Diamond Energy Transmission can be delivered.

Like the ancient Thangkas, mandalas and other sacred art forms of the East, the physical Diamond Christ Alignment art forms and vehicles have been created to deliver the transformative Diamond Energy. The Sacred Technology of Diamond Christ Alignment Connects and Aligns us with the Highest Potential of our Diamond Self Within... the indestructible, brilliant Divine Power within each of us. This state of Connection and Alignment enables us to create true Wealth of Being while fully engaging in our horizontal physical world.

All Diamond Christ Alignment vehicles carry the Higher Vibration of the Diamond Energy Transmission to varying degrees, raising the Energy vibration of the receiver. This higher vibration within the receiver will release what IS NOT in alignment with their Highest Diamond Potential and magnetize that which IS in Alignment.

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