Your "LIVE" Diamond Mastery Transmission Package includes:
- Instructions for Receiving the Diamond Mastery Clearing and Activation Remotely
- MP3 Recording of the "LIVE" Group Diamond Mastery Clearing Transmission (60 minutes)
- MP3 Recording of the "Live" Group Diamond Mastery Activation Transmission
All Diamond Transmissions are done in the Multidimensional Field of Diamond Consciousness, beyond time and space. Receiving these powerful Transmissions remotely is just as transformative as being present in the "LIVE" Transmissions.
How Your Diamond Mastery Transmission Package Works:
PRE-REQUISITE: ACTIVE "Premium Diamond Connection" Subscription
Diamond Mastery Clearing and Activation Transmissions work synergistically with the daily 6-minute Diamond Activations online and the vibrational support services included in the "Premium Diamond Connection" subscription:
- Golden Energy Field Clearing before the online Activation
- A continuous flow of Diamond Energy, 24/7, from your connection to the worldwide Diamond Energy Grid.
- Daily Remote Clearings transmitted by Jacqueline Joy - 30 minutes each day
This daily vibrational support both prepares your body/mind to receive the high-frequency Diamond Mastery Transmissions BEFORE the Transmissions occur ... AND assures the gentle, ease-full integration of Jacqueline Joy's accelerated Diamond Mastery Transmissions in your body/mind AFTER the Transmissions occur.
If you are not yet a "Premium Diamond" Subscriber ... you may SIGN UP HERE.
YOU CHOOSE the FOCUS of your Diamond Mastery Clearing and Activation:
- You choose the pattern/issue and arena of life that you desire to transform, in order to express and experience greater Freedom Empowerment and Joy of your Diamond Consciousness.
- Leave it to your Diamond Consciousness to decide what is necessary to clear and activate for the next step in your Soul's evolution.
- Receive a general clearing of the accumulated buildup of density/toxicity/low-vibration frequencies overlaying your natural Diamond Presence and Emanation.
For highest results, Diamond Mastery Transmissions are very specifically targeted with a laser-focus on the very specific pattern and arena of life you choose to transform.
The Diamond Energy Clearing works at the Multidimensional level of Diamond Consciousness in response to your choice to receive it, and vibrationally clears that which is not in Alignment with your Highest Diamond Potential. As your Consciousness receives the Clearing vibration, your cells will then release the congealed energies - long-held thought-forms, beliefs, patterns, programming, imprinting, conditioning, and false images of yourself that have limited the full authentic expression of your Diamond Self.
This Cutting-edge Mastery Clearing Transmission clears the lower frequencies in the:
- Mental body (old thought forms, images of oneself, limited beliefs, conditioning, patterning, programming, imprinting that are not vibrationally aligned with your Divine Blueprint)
- Emotional body (traumatic emotions from past experiences)
- Etheric body (trauma, disturbances, interferences which have compromised the integrity and cohesiveness of one's Divine Blueprint)
- Physical body (coagulated energy stored in the body and manifesting as pain, tension, dis-ease) resulting from past experiences
And Releases ...
- Interference
- Energy blocks/coagulated energy
- Low frequencies of the "trance" (individual and collective)
- Tension, tiredness and toxicity
Consistently receiving these powerful energy clearings and transmissions accelerates your embodiment of Diamond Consciousness, and empowers you to experience more:
- Joy in your body
- Clarity in your mind
- Freedom in your Spirit
- Harmony in your world
- Confidence in yourself
- Fulfillment of your purpose
There are 48 hours between the "Diamond Clearing" and the ?Diamond Activation? Transmissions, to allow for your body to go through the "release process" and integrate the clearing physically. Doing the 6-minute ONLINE Diamond Activations twice a day and receiving the Diamond vibrational support included in your "Premium Diamond Connection" subscription, keep you in the high-frequency Diamond Energy ... ensuring that your "release process" is a smoother and more elegant process.
In this Diamond Mastery Activation, Jacqueline Joy will transport you into the exquisite Diamond Energy field to bask in the benevolent power of the high-frequency Diamond Energy. The Diamond Mastery Activation will fill the space that has been created from the Diamond Mastery Clearing Transmission received 2 days before with pristine high-frequency Diamond Energy. The Diamond vibration accelerates and anchors your Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy in your physical cells, so that you are empowered to experience well-being and aliveness in your physical body and live your life at a higher, more refined level of consciousness.
In the Diamond Mastery Activation, Jacqueline Joy transmits the high frequencies of the Diamond Technology to you:
- Diamond Joy
- Clarity
- Equanimity
- Expansion
- Confidence
- Strength
- Fun
- Freedom
- Balance
- Harmony
- Grace
- Ease
- Gratitude
- Appreciation
- Spiritual and Material Wealth
- ... and MORE!
Diamond Mastery Clearings work synergistically with Diamond Mastery Activations and daily Online Activations to accelerate and amplify your ability to:
- Free yourself from the limiting "grip" of your lower human ego
- Feel the power and ecstasy of embodying your Diamond "I AM" Presence
- Function at a higher "Diamond" level with your lower human ego serving your Diamond "I AM" Presence
- Fulfill your Diamond Blueprint
- Experience excitement for your life and purpose
- Create and enjoy Diamond Wealth of Being in all areas of life: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially (the integration of Spiritual Wealth and Material Abundance)