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When you choose and purchase one of the "laser focused" Diamond Clearings from our extensive menu, the Diamond Grid immediately begins to download the vibration of the specific Diamond Clearing you have chosen ... directly to your Consciousness. Your cells will then begin to release the congealed energies that have created energy flow blockages and caused discomfort/pain in your body and/or life. You will be sent a "Protocol for Actively Receiving your Remote Clearing" that will complete your Clearing ... giving you a vibrational boost that FREES your Energy Flow in the arena of life you have chosen.

Send your choice of Diamond Clearing AND a brief statement of what you'd like to clear to Support@DiamondAlignment.com

You will be sent a response with "Instructions for Receiving": a protocol for your conscious mind to Actively complete the receiving of your Diamond Clearing. Pick a time, at your convenience, to actively receive your Clearing. (First thing in the morning is a great time, before getting up to start your day.)

Since these "Remote" Clearings have already been established by Jacqueline Joy at the vibrational level in the Diamond Energy Grid, it is not necessary to be in contact with her in the "physical" to receive the Clearing. What IS important is that you set aside time to fully receive the Clearing. At this time the Diamond will connect with your Higher Self to fully clear and download what you have requested.

The Diamond Energy is not bound by linear time and space. It works at the Multidimensional level of Diamond Consciousness, in response to your choice to receive it ... vibrationally clearing that which is not in alignment with your Highest Diamond Potential in the specific area of life you have chosen.

Receiving a Remote Diamond Clearing is similar to downloading a computer program (like an anti-virus software program). The Diamond Clearing (software) has already been created, tested and refined so that it works for all who wish to purchase it, and can be downloaded anytime after purchase.

The "Remote" advantage: Immediate and convenient - available to you when you need it most.
The main advantage of the powerful Remote Clearings is that they are available to you IN THE MOMENT that you need them. There is no waiting for "LIVE" Transmissions, Private appointments or having to leave home. This is extremely valuable when you have something come UP very strongly in your process and/or your body, and you wish to get the freedom and vibrational boost of clearing it from your cells IMMEDIATELY! By taking immediate action with this Remote Clearing, you receive the transformation you desire when you are consciously aware of it ... and prevent the old pattern from taking control again, without your conscious awareness.

Many subscribers "stock up" with several Remote Clearings/Activations so they have them immediately when they need them.


If you have purchased a Remote Clearing only:

  1. Set aside 60 minutes to receive the Clearing. If you have purchased more than one, do the Clearings one topic at a time.
  2. Jacqueline Joy advises waiting a few days in between each Remote Clearing Transmission to allow for the body to go through the release process and to integrate the clearing physically.
  3. Since everyone is so individual in terms of how much they have to clear and the time needed for integration, we recommend that you trust your Guidance from your own Higher Consciousness to determine when you are ready to receive the next Remote Clearing if you purchased more than one.

If you have purchased a Remote Clearing PLUS its related Remote Activation:

  1. Set aside 60 minutes to receive your Remote Clearing. Follow the "Instructions for Receiving" below.
  2. Wait 24 hours to allow for the physical integration of your Remote Clearing. Then receive your Remote Activation by following the same "Instructions for Receiving" below.
  3. If you have purchased more than one paired Remote Clearing /Activation, Jacqueline Joy advises waiting a few days in between each Clearing and its related Activation to allow for the body to fully physically integrate the Remote Clearing (and Activation) you are currently receiving.
  4. Note: Since everyone is so individual in terms of how much they have to clear and the time needed for integration, we recommend that you trust your Guidance from your own Higher Consciousness to determine when you are ready to receive additional Remote Clearing(s)/Activation(s).

If you have purchased a Remote Clearing and would like to complement your Clearing with a "Diamond Audio Activation":

  1. Set aside 60 minutes to receive the Clearing.
  2. Listen to your Diamond Transmission MP3 audio recording 24 hours after the Remote Clearing to fill your cells with the Joy and Empowerment of Diamond Consciousness.
  3. If you have purchased more than one Remote Clearing, Jacqueline Joy advises waiting a few days in between each Remote Clearing to allow for the body to fully integrate the Diamond Clearing physically.
  4. Note: Since everyone is so individual in terms of how much they have to clear and the time needed for integration, we recommend that you trust your Guidance from your own Higher Consciousness to determine when you are ready to receive the next Remote Clearing.

If you have any questions, please write Support@DiamondAlignment.com

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