Diamond Christ
"Freedom from Anxiety" Clearing & Installation
Now Available as a Recording!
May Purchase as a Gift for a Loved One(s) & Receive on their behalf!
Jacqueline Joy is Calling Forth Divine Intervention ...
the Resurrection Power of Jesus for deliverance from the anti-life death spell of ANXIETY and the Infusion of His Life-Giving Power and Love to those who want to be FREE!
"Whether chronic or situational, anxiety and panic attacks can cripple us from moving forward in life and/or compromise our health and well-being. Therefore, it is my greatest JOY to offer this profound delivery of Diamond Christ Intervention to Resurrect your body/mind from the anti-life death spell of anxiety into the Life-Giving Vitality, Power and Highest Function of God's Design for your life! Let's Raise a Hallelujah to the Resurrection Power of Jesus to Regenerate, Rejuvenate, Reconfigure and Renew our Lives to live in the Glory of God's Kingdom that is NOW!" - Jacqueline Joy, Founder Diamond Alignment
PART I — Diamond Christ Clearing The Diamond Christ Anxiety Clearing will illuminate and eliminate the invisible anti-life/death programming of anxiety in every atom and molecule of your body/mind... Creating space for the infusion of the Diamond Christ "Freedom from Anxiety" Installation.
PART II — Diamond Christ
"Freedom from Anxiety" Installation
The Diamond Christ Installation is a NEW Multidimensional Diamond Christ vibrational Infrastructure that is infused into every atom and molecule of your body/mind that HOLDS you in the Resurrection Power of Jesus and Freedom from Anxiety.
Anxiety is the "FALL" that comes when we do not Trust in the Infinite Love & Power of God.
It is an anti-life spell that has a tremendous stronghold on humanity ... that can only be superseded by the Resurrection Power of Jesus.
Anxiety keeps us small and is one of the most powerful ways to keep us locked in the 3D trance... separated from the Truth of who we are: a brilliant, sparkling, Diamond Son or Daughter of God!
This vicious cycle of anxiety creates chronic stress which robs us of our God-given ability to function optimally with vitality, health and Joy!
When the body/mind are under constant stress over a long period of time, the JUICE and VITALITY of our lives is severely compromised ... making it very difficult to stay on top of the tsunami wave of quantum change we are in on the Planet!
The spirit of anxiety is not of God's World that is Now!
As we surrender the stronghold of anxiety to the Resurrection Power of Jesus, we heal, become clear and experience the Glory of God within us.
We are then Free and able to expand the Glory of God's Kingdom in our world.
This is WHY I am calling forth Diamond Christ Intervention!
- DISMANTLE the engrained patterning in the body/mind/emotional body and spirit that causes unconscious constant worry and anxiety
- CLEAR the damage of Anxiety from the nerves, the nervous system, the brain
- ERASE the lie that worry is a form of love
- FREE you from the bondage of conscious and unconscious anxiety
- CLEAR the need for worry and anxiety to "be prepared" to make things better/safer
- ERASE the pattern of "worst case scenario" thinking
- FREE you from ancestral/lineage anxiety
- FREE you from the anti-life spell of Satan that keeps you in anxiety — compromising your ability to feel connected to God and your own Soul
- CLEAR accumulated exhaustion, tension and anxiety about your world and the world at large
- ERADICATE conscious and unconscious addiction to worry: the "no" to Life
- RELEASE the crippling effect of chronic or situational anxiety and panic attacks that keep us from moving forward in life and/or compromise our health and well-being
- RELEASE the pattern of self-punishment and self-suppression from constant anxiety
- RELEASE fatigue and exhaustion from carrying the heavy weight of anxiety
- ILLUMINATE/Eliminate untruths that have caused separation from God — the ROOT of anxiety
- RELEASE the fear and powerlessness from the cells from being controlled by anxiety
- FREE your body/mind to function with Diamond Christ Clarity and Strength
- REMOVE the "collective" anxiety that is so heightened in the world now
- OPEN your Multidimensional Receptors to Receive the "HUM" vibration: The Information and Energy from Jesus' New "TREE OF LIFE" Operating System on Earth
- CREATE Diamond Spaciousness in your body/mind to Receive the New Diamond Christ "FREEDOM from ANXIETY" Installation
- LIGHTEN & ENERGIZE you to serve and expand the Glory of God's Kingdom on Earth Now!
The DIAMOND CHRIST "Freedom from Anxiety" INSTALLATION will:
- INFUSE your body/mind with the Power of Joy: Christ Conscious in every cell ... Creating Resurrected Diamond Christ Freedom from anxiety!
- HOLD you in ONENESS with Jesus' Life-Giving Resurrection Power
- RECONFIGURE your cells to Receive the Information and Energy from the "HUM" of Jesus' New "Tree of Life" Operating System
- SYNCHRONIZE your body/mind with the "HUM" of Jesus' New Diamond Christ "TREE OF LIFE" Planetary Operating System
- HOLD your body/mind to function with Diamond Christ Clarity and Strength
- ACTIVATE the "Original Christ Cell" in every cell that has been affected by the pattern of anxiety
- ACTIVATE your TRUE "I" Identity as a son/daughter of God
- FREE you from worldly "orphan" Identities — as you come into your true Identity
- REFLECT how God Knows & Sees you
- SUPERSEDE the anti-life death spell of Satan that anxiety is
- CREATE new neural pathways for true, lasting FREEDOM from anxiety
- ESTABLISH new pathways for God-Ordained coping mechanisms to handle the stress of the 3D world with the Power of God
- INSPIRE new coping mechanisms that are concrete, simple and leave you feeling empowered, free and in Integrity with God and your Soul
- HOLD you in the Peace of God's World
- SOOTHE and CALM your body to be able to viscerally feel connection to God
- FILL the newly created space from the Diamond Christ Clearing in every cell with the vibration of Jesus' Resurrection Power
- BRING you into INCREASED sensate connection with the Power of God's Love
- ACTIVATE the exquisite Multidimensional Design of the Creator in you
- RESTORE Health and ACTIVATE Diamond Wealth of Being in your body/mind
- INFUSE Diamond Christ Wisdom in your cells for optimum surviving and thriving in the 3D world
- IGNITE your body/mind with Trust and Openness to Jesus' Life-Giving Power
- HOLD you in the TRUTH that anxiety causes dis-ease/degeneration/bondage
- EXPAND your ability to LIVE in Diamond Christ Life-Filled JOY and COURAGE ... to face and conquer what is going on in the 3D world anew!
- ACTIVATE the channels to Receive the Flow of Diamond Christ LIFE FORCE to all parts of your body
- EQUIP and EMPOWER you to stand Strong, Vibrant, Balanced, Aligned, Regal and Elegant as Diamond Christ "Boots on the Ground" in Highest Service to God's Kingdom on Earth that is Now!
- AWAKEN the Glory of God's Kingdom in the cells
- EMPOWER you to stand strong against the wiles of the anti-life spell of anxiety
- HOLD you in Intimacy with Jesus & the Knowing of His Life-Giving Power and Love at your back 24/7
- ACTIVATE your channels to Receive the Flow of Diamond Christ LIFE FORCE to all parts of your body
- EMPOWER you to expand the Kingdom of God within and around you
- LIGHTEN and ENLIVEN you with the Joyous Resurrection Power of Jesus to Work, Play in, and expand the Glory of God?s Kingdom on Earth NOW!
For the smoothest, most Elegant Integration of, and Vibrational Resonance with, your Diamond Christ "Freedom from Anxiety" Installation
A. An ACTIVE "Premium Diamond Connection" to the Worldwide Diamond Christ Grid
MONTHLY or ANNUAL "Premium Diamond Connection" Subscriptions available at:
B. The Personal Diamond Installation
Receiving the Multidimensional Diamond Chamber in your cells and Energy Field provides the Vibrational Infrastructure necessary for receiving this Advanced Diamond Christ Installation
C. 1000-Frequency Golden Energy Flow
The 24/7 vibrational support of the 1000-frequency Golden Energy assists you in physically integrating the powerful Diamond Christ Transmissions you will be receiving.
D. Titanium Energy Flow
Not required, but highly recommended for the greatest acceleration and ease of releasing and processing the physical material that is being cleared. Supports your body and Frees your physical energy!
May Purchase as a Gift for a Loved One(s) & Receive on their behalf!
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