Thank you for answering your Soul's Call to step into Diamond Aloha Leadership
and to become a vibrational Planetary Leader ... joining Jacqueline Joy in the
"Cosmic Diamond Christ Aloha Wake", opening new pathways at the cutting
edge of Diamond Consciousness, Building the NEW, NEW, NEW,
NEW, NEW Diamond Christ Aloha World in our individual lives
and on the Planet for ALL!

The Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake
Jacqueline Joy's Vision of Igniting a Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake was executed in December 2012, with Diamond Leaders from across the world, in the super-charged Unified Diamond Energy Field created by Jacqueline Joy to harness and integrate the Multidimensional Frequencies of the 2012 Galactic Alignment ? to usher in a New Diamond Aloha World.
The successful Ignition of this Cosmic Diamond Wake created a new vibrational platform of Diamond Aloha Power, Joy, Beauty and Flow, from which we are partnering with Jesus in the Building of the New Diamond Christ Aloha World for ALL!
As new Golden Diamond Children step up as Diamond Leaders, with a passionate "YES" to building this New Diamond Christ Aloha World, the Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake exponentially swells and spreads vibrationally across the Planet ... accelerating the building and anchoring of the NEW!
The Golden Diamond Child
It is the Golden Diamond Children who will be "growing" the Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake for the NEW, NEW, NEW, NEW, NEW "Diamond Christ Aloha World"!
Your "Golden Diamond Child" is the Infinite, Innocent, Magical, Multidimensional Golden Diamond "Spark of God" within you that is longing to be fully embodied and FREE so that he/she can be seen, felt, heard and experienced on this Earth ... to Gift us all with Its Golden Presence and Play Its part in the Grand Divine Design of the Earth's Transformation into a Multidimensional World - or what Jacqueline Joy calls a "Diamond Christ Aloha World". When Golden Diamond Children are FREED from the 3D trance and take over this Planet as Diamond Leaders with their Infinite Intelligence, Magic, and ONENESS with the Power of the Almighty we are empowered to partner with God in building the New "Diamond Christ Aloha World"!
The Diamond Aloha Story
DIAMOND ALOHA: The embodiment and demonstration of Diamond Consciousness and Joy
In 2002, in her quest to "birth" the Sacred Diamond Technology into physical form, Jacqueline Joy was "Called" to the Island of Kauai. The moment her feet touched down on the Island of Kauai, she experienced the same vibration in her body that she was accustomed to feeling when she was inside her Diamond Chamber. What she was feeling was the physicalization of the Diamond Energy. The Diamond vibration and the Aloha vibration of Kauai was the same. She felt HOME vibrationally, as she had never felt before. She knew that she had to get her roots into Kauai's volcanic energy and allow the volcanic energy to anchor the Technology held within her Being, into the Physical plane - so that she could follow through on the direction from God to bring the Technology into a physical form. It was a GIFT that was to be shared. She moved to Kauai.
Over the next many years, the Aloha Energy of Kauai fueled Jacqueline Joy in the physicalization of the Sacred Diamond Technology into a business form ... and is honored by Jacqueline Joy as the "Birth Mother" Energy of Diamond Alignment into the physical world.
In 2008, when Jacqueline Joy had to leave her home in Kauai, she was told by her Soul: "My child, this Diamond Aloha that feeds you so deeply in every cell of your body is to be transmitted throughout the Sacred Diamond Technology to all. It is not just for people who visit or live on Kauai."
And so it is that the Aloha Spirit that is brought in through the powerful Planetary intake point of Kauai is now brought in as "Diamond Aloha" through Diamond Alignment and transmitted through the worldwide Diamond Energy Grid to enhance our lives on this Planet.
A Diamond Christ Aloha World
Living in a Diamond Christ Aloha World means that we ...
- Embody and Demonstrate Diamond Aloha Consciousness, Power and Joy in our daily lives
- Create lives of Joy, Clarity, Equanimity, Fun, Freedom and Wealth of Being
- Create Solutions to "impossible" problems across the world from Receiving the Divine Intervention delivered by the Sacred Diamond Technology.
- Use the Sacred Gift of the Diamond Technology to LIVE in direct Connection and Alignment of humanity with the Will, Power & Love of God
- Live lives infused with Diamond vibrational qualities of Joy, Clarity, Equanimity, Harmony, Balance, Generosity, Gratitude, and Conscious Awareness of the Goodness of God in Body, Heart & Mind
- Abide in Right Relationship with God, Self, Others, the Earth
The Diamond/Whale Kingdom Connection
In September, 2012, Jacqueline Joy was "Called" to the South Pacific on a "Diamondization" mission to do intensive Vibrational Diamond work in the waters off the Island of Tonga and to swim with the Whales. The Whales are the largest and most ancient creatures on this planet Earth ... Multidimensional Beings, known as the Planet's "Record Keepers" ... the ones who hold all of the experience on Earth - where we have come from, where we are and where we are going.
Some say that the whales and the dolphins have the largest brains on the Planet and to communicate with them is one of the highest things that mankind can attain. The CALL that Jacqueline Joy received from the Whale Kingdom was for her to transmit a NEW "Diamond HOME Installation" in the Waters ... their HOME on this physical plane so that they may LIVE in this high-frequency Diamond environment in their HOME ... and to work with them and protect them Multidimensionally.
In return, the Whales have said "YES", on behalf of the animal kingdom, to joining up with the Diamond Technology's Mission of creating a Cosmic Wake of Diamond Consciousness and Joy for Humanity and the Planet ... and beyond!!! They are adding their RANK and their Power to accelerate and amplify this Cosmic Wake through the Waters/Consciousness of the Planet. Together, we are raising and anchoring the vibration of the biological terrain for all of Life - so Humanity, the Animal Kingdom and the Plant Kingdom can thrive in the New Diamond Christ Aloha World!
Diamond Christ Alignment and the Diamond Christ Alignment logo are trademarks of Diamond Joy Enterprises.