About the "Financial Freedom & Flow Breakthrough"
Diamond Journey

Suzan F., North Carolina, USA

I cannot find the words to express the Joy in my Heart, the smiles on my face and the Peace and Contentment that fills my being. This journey is spectacular for me. I believe that so much was cleared from me in the previous journey and I eliminated so much that this journey has Defined, Enriched, Dazzled and Delighted my senses beyond my imagination. I am lighter, brighter and so grounded. I am so ready to 360 into a whole new me.

Linda B., California, USA

So Loved today's transmission! Every day's transmission! You Inspire Me So!! Thank YOU!!

I continue to be in awe and in honor at the power of the Diamond and the Gift of the Diamond that you have Birthed and continue to nourish, develop and grow. Wow, Wow, Wow!!

So Love and Appreciate all the readings, the wisdom, the insights, the breakthroughs in Consciousness, in Receiving, in Love. I feel myself in the River of Receiving the Unlimited Possibilities; feeling more content and at and in Peace, Knowing that All is Well, beyond my expectations!

Debra A., Massachusetts, USA

I would like to acknowledge with deep gratitude the many blessings that I have received on this journey:

A profound deeper connection to Christ Consciousness, an opening of my heart a release from the blocks in my heart chakra, helping me to be open to new possibilities, an acceptance of what "is", a knowing that I am supported, guided, loved!

Jacqueline, this journey has left me with such a gift, a deeper connection to Jesus, a KNOWING of the unseen, a sense of accepting myself. I feel as though I have left so much behind and that I am now on my way to many new beginnings, I'm not sure what that will look like, but I know I am blessed to have you, Diamond Christ Alignment and its community in my life.

Stephanie C., Iowa, USA

Diamond Christ Aloha! What an amazing journey! So many subtle yet profound gifts on this journey. I must express my joy and appreciation for how much working with the Diamond has brought wealth and abundance to my world. In the last six months, my husband's company has sold and because of the role that he played with the transaction, my husband received a large bonus check. We as a family have earned more income in the last six months than any other six-month period of our lives!! My own personal business as a wellness coach and nutraceuticals consultant has also expanded greatly.

I could go on and on about how the Diamond has impacted my life. Thank you Jacqueline for your amazing, unwavering commitment to this remarkable technology, the entire Diamond community and the world at large. I love, love, love you, the Diamond, and my amazing Diamond family.

Christine W., Alaska, USA

I AM discovering so much Magic is all around me. As I purge my environment, I feel lighter and lighter.... Yes synchronicity is so huge in the forefront of my mind.

I am very excited about Everything and am 100% committed to living in Alignment -- No matter What.

Yippie Yay Yippie for Diamond Awesomenessssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOO SOOOOOO GRATEFUL.............................. and Excited and Loving LIFE!!!

Julie A., Hawaii, USA

I would like to write and tell you the Breakthroughs I have received from our Journey. The first one is being able to feel more viscerally in the multidimensional realms. Another Breakthrough is speaking my truth, and in doing so caused another Breakthrough helping me to realize a lot of my wealth is sitting right under my nose. I am so Grateful for your amazing Leadership and Guidance, the Diamond's infinite Magic & Miracles, and the honor of Journeying with you and all of the Diamonds Leaders & community.

Zainon S., Singapore

Thank You Joy, for assisting me to receive and to allow the groundbreaking activations and transmissions of information and energy to shift my perception of living in the unknown, from a horizontal fear based perspective to an expanded Multidimensional Diamond perspective of Infinite Possibility.

Since last month's journey, abundance has been flowing into my life every day. This time it is no longer subtle and it comes twice or more daily unexpectedly. I felt so supported and loved so much so that this has become my mantra: Wherever I go, Whatever I do, whoever I am with at any time of the day and night, abundance surrounds and embraces me.

It seems that the people around me are happy to share their abundance -food, support and even cash with me. I did not have to ask , they just show up! Absolutely fabulous.

My husband felt supported and now has become more supportive towards my needs and feelings. I get to see how everything flows from one event to another in harmony and perfect timing.

I am now able to put aside some money to donate / gifts without worries or concern that I may not have enough for myself.

Attending a funeral- no fear - instead peaceful. Feels more of a celebration. Do not feel the need to mourn. Have more reverence for life now. I am loving it. I freely help others in need either in cash or effort.

My home is my heaven on earth.

Blissa A., New Jersey, USA

Diamond Christ Aloha Jacqueline...I am in great gratitude for the gifts of this journey. Having the experience of merging with the Whale energy was such a Joy...I felt incredible Love for them! The Christ energy phenomenon feels like another miracle. I feel it bursting from within me when I focus on it...the Light is shining bright! Since that first occurred, my breathing has slowed way way down on its own whenever I do anything related to the Diamond. It feels rich and luxurious! Today during our connection to the Ma, I felt a solidity in the center of my Being that I've never experienced before. Then I noticed I felt a new energy in my legs, and I realized that it was due to the deeper bond with Mother Earth. WOW!!!! is all I can say about all of this. I so look forward to the next time we journey together.

Mary Jane M., Wisconsin, USA

What a profound and beautiful journey this one has been! I am so incredibly grateful to you for bringing it to us, and I have to say I am very excited (already) about the next one, the Christ consciousness journey, if that is what it ends up being.

I've had some interesting breakthroughs on this journey. A big one was the realization of my own power, and how my consciousness has expanded so much and so quickly through working with the Diamond.

Cheryl W., Rhode Island, USA

What a POWERFUL ending to a Most Profound Journey.

My Diamond Gratitude- I am Eternally Grateful for this Sacred Technology, for you Jacqueline Joy, for ALL of the Diamond Leaders, all of the Beloved Beings on the Diamond Grid.

Here are my Diamond Breakthroughs -

Dianne H., Michigan, USA

Hi Jacqueline, I am celebrating that I have more money in my business checking account than ever in the summer.

I am also celebrating that during this journey, I cleaned out more areas of my home and got rid of things (creating space for the new) and for the first time today made a decision about moving my office to a more secluded area of my home so it's not taking up the entire living area.

Brigitte S., Germany

Dear beloved Diamond Jacqueline, First of all thank you thank you! It is such an amazing and tremendous journey for me. I am so full! I feel so uplifted and free with you and all the journeyers. I am really whole and well and what is so great when things are coming up - I am able to look at it - it goes through my body and I am like an observer but not cut off - I feel it but I have freedom in it. This is a great relief.

I feel so held and guided by you through this - it is beyond words and I am so grateful for you that you have come to this planet from the stars! I AM different in my body and with my body. My sadness in the body is gone!

I am very grateful what my body does for me - I am beginning to get a very new connection and relationship with it and my body is expanding I HAVE MORE SPACE - MY BODY TRUSTS THE PROCESS. I FEEL LIKE I HAVE BORNE A NEW CHILD. All is new - I have to care and be aware and very loving with it. My body does not feel any more alone - it is connected. Now I am so moved that tears of joy are coming.

Celio V., Spain

Thank You, Jacqueline Joy, for the most wonderful Journey.

I have been so immersed in it that its really amazing how your stewarding in this Ocean is so Divinely Providential, Guiding us in the Path of Divine Intervention. I am totally prepared by my Diamond Work with you to handle any amounts and to use this Renovated Wealth in the most Conscious, Sacred way for my good, and the good of my family, friends, community , coworkers and in general for the Humanity.

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