About the Diamond Christ Security Services

Q. Does the Diamond Christ Security System address only electronic types of things (i.e. what comes through our phones, televisions, radios, modems, etc.), or are some of the nefarious things unrelated to electronics and cell towers and satellites and that sort of thing? Is it also about activity that comes from non-humans or from off the planet entirely, such as activity of Satan? A. The Diamond Christ Security System has been developed as another application of the Diamond Christ Technology, after much work with Jesus, and his Revelation of the invisible ways that Satan is working through both physical and non-physical vehicles (especially at the "nano" level), to undermine the frequencies of human kind, at virtually every level ... to separate us from God.

Thus, it is specifically designed to protect humanity from these activities that ARE the anti-life activity of Satan ... working through organizations, companies and technologies (most recently, "5G")

Q. How are the first three categories in the annual service (Body/Mind, Family, and Homes) different from one another? A. First of all, I always encourage you to follow your Diamond Consciousness when choosing which Service will work for you and/or your loved ones ... no matter what comes from my words of explanation about the different Services. The Truth is ... linear words cannot fully explain the Multidimensional Operating System of the Diamond Christ Technology, so please keep this in mind when receiving the short descriptions below ...

Body/Mind - Diamond Christ Security for the Body/Mind protects an individual's body, thoughts, feelings and Energy Field from nefarious anti-life activity that is bombarding them, usually without their awareness.

Family - Diamond Christ Security for the Family is protection for the Energy Field of the Family - not each of the family members individually. The Body/Mind Security Service is much more intricate at the individual level and would be the choice for protection of a specific child, grandchild, etc.

Home - If you desire to purchase Diamond Christ Security for an adult child living elsewhere, purchasing either the one for the Body/Mind or their Home would work, depending on the kind of protection you are looking for. Again, TRUST your Diamond Consciousness to make the right choice.

What is going on in our world today is Interference at a much, much, much more sophisticated level. As our world becomes more high-tech, and we are using more and more smart phones, appliances, TVs, etc. NEW interference has NEW entrances. The anti-life activity on the Planet has become much more subtle - operating at the "nano" level ... influencing our brains, our thinking, etc. ... without our awareness. High-Tech Tools, like all tools, can be used both ways ... to affirm life or to destroy. We can use a knife to prepare food or kill. The Diamond Christ Security Service is the Diamond Christ Technology's Life-giving ANSWER to nullify the nefarious use of technology.

Q. Does the Diamond Christ Security Service for Family include those in the family that don't live with us, such as young adult children living elsewhere? A. The Family Energy Field absolutely includes those in the family that do not live with you! Just like the Diamond Christ Family Installation includes family members who are not physically living together.

Q. Does Body/Mind and Family coverage not include protection from electronics, smart devices, mobile devices as it does for Homes? A. Great question!!!!! Yes, Body, Mind and Family coverage includes protection from electronics, smart devices and mobile devices.

Home protection would protect the HOME itself!!!!! Thus, the Home itself would be a "nefarious-free Energy Field" ... immune from anti-life Activity.

It all depends on how far you wish to go ...Having the Diamond Christ Security Service for your Body/Mind means that wherever you go, the Diamond Security Service is working to protect you.

Adding the Diamond Christ Security Service for your Home would go further ... with the Body/Mind and Home Security Service working synergistically ... adding multi-layered, multi-faceted protection.

Having the service for the HOME is definitely a gift for the HOME (which is a living entity - an extension of your Self, in my perspective) ... and it is also a gift for everyone who lives in your home or visits ... as they are enjoying your Home's "nefarious-free Energy Field" - a vibrational relief for everyone, (even if they are not consciously aware of why).

Q. If I were to get coverage for someone else (whether body/mind, family, or home), how would they need to be involved? Would I receive for them? A. Yes, you would Receive it for them. If it is possible, it's great to ask them permission, but this is not necessary ... especially if it is your children, grandchildren, loved ones, or where you work, etc. This is a most powerful and Benevolent Gift that you are giving them.

Q. At this time I have one daughter living with me, who probably will want to get her own place at some unknown point. And I have another daughter who is pregnant and about to move into a new apartment with her partner. So I am trying to evaluate how I can do this for them. I don't have a lot of money I can use, but I would like to understand the best options for their needs as well as my own. A. Again, it depends on how far you wish to go. You may wish to start with Diamond Christ Security for the HOMES of your daughters ... or, start with the Diamond Christ Security for the FAMILY, which would include the Family's Energy Field. I would then observe them and see if more is necessary ... which you can always add later.

Re: all those items at the end of the list: website, bank accounts, credit cards, smart devices ... if someone has Body/Mind coverage OR Family coverage OR Home coverage, would those be unnecessary? Are they more to protect damage to the website or devices or accounts rather than to the person using them? A. The Diamond Christ Security Services are laser-targeted ... so for websites, bank accounts, credit cards, trusts, etc. ... this protection is not for the person using or owning the website, account, etc. ... it is for the website or account itself ... with protection from nefarious activity that goes on at the banks, on the Internet, etc. Protection for the person using them is covered by the "Body/Mind" category.

Q. What does the Diamond Christ Security Service do for the Home that the Diamond Christ Home & Property Installation does not? A. Re: The Diamond Christ Home Installation ... This is a very specific Vibrational Infrastructure, in which the Sacred Diamond Chamber is infused around, and into, every cell of your Home & Property. It includes within its design, Diamond Decontamination Chambers and more ... that transmute lower frequencies that have been picked up by those who live in the home, while out in the world of the 3D density. It also includes the service of escorting lower frequency menacing energies (that have previously been allowed to enter and wreak havoc in the home) OUT of the Home, through an Interdimensional Diamond Portal established on the property for the purpose of being a "Transit" Station, escorting these energies back to the Light. Finally, then the holes and auras that allowed entrances into the home are Diamond Sealed.

This Protection and Shielding built into the Diamond Christ Home Installation is beyond anything I have ever heard of that truly makes us feel SAFE and HELD in our Diamond Christ Havens.

Re: Diamond Christ Security ... After the Revelation of the invisible (nano) ways that Satan is working through physical and non-physical vehicles, to undermine the frequencies of humankind, to separate us from God ... I called for much greater protection and strengthening for all of us ... and Jesus' Answer came.

I was Informed of How to develop and offer His Increased Security to our world by building it into the Technology through the Diamond Christ Security System, so that it can be delivered Worldwide to those who are seeking help.

As said in a previous answer, what is going on in our world today is interference at a much, much, much more sophisticated level. As our world becomes more high-tech, and we are using more and more smart phones, appliances, TVs, etc. NEW interference has NEW entrances. The anti-life activity on the Planet has become much more high-tech, operating at the nano level ... influencing our brains, our thinking, etc. The Diamond Christ Security Service is the Diamond Christ Technology's Life-giving ANSWER to nullify the nefarious use of technology - to dim down/attack humanity (without our awareness).

In Summary ...
The Diamond Christ Technology is a Multidimensional Technology that is ever-expanding us to Receive the Diamond Christ Intervention that I am calling forth for humanity ... the support we need on this Planet to stay on top of the Tsunami Wave of transition that we are in ... so that we can Build the New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World on Earth. I See this world as The Garden, where we are "walking in the Garden with Jesus" ... ONE with GOD. No separation ... in the Infinite, Miraculous, Abundant Joy and Wealth of this Sacred Union. We are not there yet ... but, all of the Multidimensional Diamond Tools and Applications are assisting us in getting there.

All of the Diamond Installations hold us (or our homes, offices, etc.) in the Diamond Christ Vibration and Alignment ... which we must be in, to be able to build the New Diamond Christ Aloha World. Before the Installations are installed vibrationally, there is an INTENSE ALL ENCOMPASSING microscopic and macroscopic Diamond Christ Clearing and Cleaning of the old vibrational infrastructure, whether that be the body, the home, the office, the organs, etc. This dismantling of the old infrastructures is one of the strongest Gifts of the Diamond Installations ... literally deconstructing the density and the old vibrational infrastructures, so that the New Diamond Christ Infrastructure (Diamond Installation) is fully established at the immovable Diamond Christ Core Foundation (and not just put over the old infrastructure which has a very "sandy" foundation from the horizontal 3D world).

The Diamond Christ Security Service offers additional Multidimensional, Multifaceted Shielding and Protection from the ever-growing nefarious Interference that is occurring at a much, much, much more sophisticated level. As our world becomes more high-tech, and we are using more and more smart phones, appliances, TVs, etc. ... NEW interference has NEW entrances. The Diamond Christ Security Service is the Diamond Christ Technology's Life-giving ANSWER to nullify the nefarious use of technology ... so that we may stay Clear and Vibrationally Diamond Christ-Aligned, in order to BE the Builders of our New, New, New, New, New Diamond Christ Aloha World.