Being a Planetary Diamond Leader means ...

Raising your vibration and accelerating your embodiment of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness

Being held in the Diamond Christ Aloha Leadership Energy Field 24/7 with Jacqueline Joy'ssupport of your vibrational leadership in your corner of the world

Being part of the Cosmic Diamond Christ Aloha Wake ... Receiving the delivery of Jesus' Divine Intervention to the physical world, through the Worldwide Diamond Christ Grid

Raising the vibration in your corner of the world by emanating the Joy and Power of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness from your Personal Diamond Installation & Golden 1000-frequency Energy Flow (when you are signed up for it)

Raising the vibration of the Planet by amplifying all the Work being done in the Diamond Technology, as a powerful Diamond Receiver and Emanator on the Worldwide Diamond Christ Grid

Being on the leading edge of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness, connected vibrationally with Diamond Leaders across the world

Consciously building the New Diamond Christ Aloha World with Jacqueline Joy ... expanding the Glory of God's Kingdom on Earth

Melting the "vibrational icebergs" in Consciousness of the old "trance" ... causing breakthroughs in Consciousness

Anchoring new Diamond Christ Aloha Paradigms of Expansion, Freedom and Joy on the Planet.

Diamond Leadership Initiation: The Diamond Installation

The Personal Diamond Installation is Jacqueline Joy's Premier Leadership Transmission that initiates new Diamond Leaders, by infusing the Sacred Diamond Chamber into your physical cells and around your Energy Field. This Multidimensional Diamond Chamber holds you in Alignment with Jesus and your Golden Diamond Child, ignites your Diamond Blueprint, and fills your cells with the Diamond's high-frequency vibrations of Joy, Equanimity, Clarity, Harmony, Grace, Ease and much more ... providing an extremely SAFE, NURTURING, PRISTINE HAVEN for your highly refined, Multidimensional Golden Child's Presence. The Diamond Installation accelerates your embodiment of Diamond Christ Aloha Consciousness and Joy, amplifying your physical Radiance and vibrational Presence in our world.

Diamond Leadership Growth: Golden Energy Transmissions

The 1000-frequency Golden Energy Flow is the CORE feeding of Diamond Leadership and growth. This 24/7 Golden Energy Flow "grows" your intimacy with, and your CONSCIOUS KNOWING and AWARENESS of, your Multidimensional Diamond Presence in your physical cells. This physicalization of your Diamond Presence empowers you to express your expanded Consciousness in the physical world and experience Diamond Worthiness, which opens you to Receive all that you need, desire and deserve to fulfill your Diamond Blueprint. The Golden Energy accelerates the ongoing physicalization of your Diamond Blueprint and amplifies the vibrational Power of your Leadership Presence on the Diamond Christ Grid.